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sarahs-rugrats > info > the rugrats movie > soundtrack > dil-a-bye

[Dil is crying]


Aw, Dil, c'mon you're hurting my ears!
Ow, that's loud.

Baby please rest your head
Now it is time for bed
I'll protect you like no other
You're OK for a little brother

Aw Dil, don't, don't cry

Twinkle, twinkle, how times flies
Slowly in the starry skies
Baby please, close your eyes
You're as sweet as apple pies

As you grow and love and play
In my heart you'll always stay
So sleep and dream the night away

[Dil is still crying]

Dil, don't cry.
It's okay, it's gonna be okay
I'll hold you.
Aw Dil, you're hurting my ears.

As you grow and love and play
In my heart you'll always stay
So sleep and dream the night away

Baby please, rest your head
Soon we will be home in bed
Until then, I will love you like no other
You're OK for a little brother

My Tommy

My Dil.

[Dil hiccups]